Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Risk Management and Credit Principles

Risk Management and Credit Principles

About this Course

This course is Part 1 of the Credit and Credit Risk Analysis Professional Certificate program from the New York Institute of Finance. The course begins with an introduction to risk management and credit principles. You will review and understand credit risk, credit exposure, and the goals of credit analysis. You will learn about the purpose of debt, debt forms, and the difference between financing from debt vs. equity. In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the principles of credit risks, including exposure, default, default probability, expected loss, and loss given default. Important concepts will be covered that will help you to effectively assess business and industry risks, company business models, market competition, and the impact of risks on company performance. You'll examine how companies measure and mitigate these risks. Lastly, you'll review the roles of credit-rating agencies and the usefulness of market-related metrics, such as share prices and credit spreads. At the end of the course, you'll complete a hands-on risk analysis assessment. Free Preview! Access Module 1 for free. For full course access, upgrade to a verified certificate.

Created by: New York Institute of Finance

Level: Advanced

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