Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Quantum Computer Systems Design III: Working with Noisy Systems

Quantum Computer Systems Design III: Working with Noisy Systems

About this Course

This quantum computing course explores the basic design principles of today's quantum computer systems. In this course, students will learn to work with the IBM Qiskit software tools to write simple programs in Python and execute them on cloud-accessible quantum hardware. Topics covered in this course include: Introduction to systems research in quantum computing Fundamental rules in quantum computing, Bloch Sphere, Feynman Path Sum Sequential and parallel execution of quantum gates, EPR pair, no-cloning theorem, quantum teleportation Medium-size algorithms for NISQ (near-term intermediate scale quantum) computers Quantum processor microarchitecture: classical and quantum control Quantum program compilation and qubit memory management Keywords: quantum computing, computer science, linear algebra, compiler, circuit optimization, python, qiskit, quantum algorithms, quantum technology, superposition, entanglement, qubit technology, superconducting qubit, transmon qubit, ion-trap qubit, photonic qubit, real quantum computers

Created by: University of Chicago

Level: Advanced

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