Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Programming for Data Science

Programming for Data Science

About this Course

There is a rising demand for people with the skills to work with Big Data sets and this course can start you on your journey through our Big Data MicroMasters program towards a recognised credential in this highly competitive area. Using practical activities you will learn how digital technologies work and will develop your coding skills through engaging and collaborative assignments. You will learn algorithm design as well as fundamental programming concepts such as data selection, iteration and functional decomposition, data abstraction and organisation. In addition to this you will learn how to perform simple data visualisations using Processing and embed your learning using problem-based assignments. This course will test your knowledge and skills in solving small-scale data science problems working with real-world datasets and develop your understanding of big data in the world around you.

Created by: University of Adelaide

Level: Introductory

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