Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Platform Product Essentials

Platform Product Essentials

About this Course

Delivering a platform solution for your business in a “clicks not code environment” seems easy. However the drag and drop interface of the technology isn’t the hard part. This is a course that will help you focus on the real difficulty in platform implementation, the structure of your business and its people. We will explore the benefits of low-code application development vs no-code development and how these tools are surpassing traditional development as the gold standard for custom applications. Our classes will showcase the low-code app development on the google platform and show you how to leverage LC/NC apis to leverage the functionality of tools like Zapier to connect your platform applications. All with little to no coding knowledge. This fun and engaging course will take a foundational look at the necessary elements to successfully transform your business with the right platform. Starting with establishing a foundational understanding of LCNC tools and taking a look at the landscape of platforms in the market. Participants will get a taste of how citizen developers and professional developers can collaborate to build productive low-code applications. We will then introduce the four pillars model as a tool that will provide clarity for all of the critical elements that are involved in your implementation. We will also highlight some real world use cases where LC/NC applications have been built successfully and where application development has failed. Historically, traditional implementation models utilize project management techniques to deliver solutions. Throw your PMBOK (project management body of knowledge) out the window. We are no longer running a project. Our platform is now a product and you are on the road to your digital transformation. This course will consist of the following lectures: A brief history of software development. Lining up Your Business. Selecting the Right Tool: A primer of some LCNC platforms. Getting the Support you need. Putting your team to work. By the end of this course you will have a foundational understanding of how to successfully deliver a platform application to your business.

Created by: The University of Maryland, College Park,University System of Maryland

Level: Intermediate

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