Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Platform Product Development

Platform Product Development

About this Course

Are you someone who likes to “tinker with technology” but don’t know anything about writing code? This class will satisfy that excitement by diving head first into a number of well known Low Code/No Code (LCNC) platforms. Showing you just enough to get you interested to see more. We will cover exciting topics like data modeling best practices, creating a solid and consistent user experience and building automations your users will love. We will also touch on some of the LCNC strategies in support of integrations and discuss strategies for managing data sources. In the first course (Platform Product Essentials) , we discussed some of the history of LCNC platforms and the roles of the key players that support your success. This class is all about building applications. Students will be asked to dive into a LCNC tool and define and build a LCNC app using the methodologies provided. This course will consist of the following lectures: Getting to know your application Pt1. What are the core tenants of your selected platform and how do they work? Getting to know your application Pt2. How far can you customize your application before it breaks? And what happens when it does? Data Sources. What is your data and where does it come from? Data Modeling. Ensuring consistency in your data. User Experience. If your user needs instructions you are doing something wrong Upon completion of this course you will be able to further delve into the inner workings of your selected platform.

Created by: The University of Maryland, College Park,University System of Maryland

Level: Intermediate

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