Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Microcontroller Applications with RISC-V

Microcontroller Applications with RISC-V

About this Course

This course provides some basic experience in designing and developing deeply embedded bare metal applications using a microcontroller with a RISC-V core. The course is the first step to creating embedded systems using a host of new microcontrollers that use an open instruction set architecture (ISA) as an alternative to a proprietary option. LFD115x is geared towards hobbyists who want to implement their ideas on a professional board, engineering students who want to create professional applications with a RISC-V microcontroller, and makers who have created custom applications in a development board like the Arduino Uno, and want to take this expertise to the next level. This course will enable you to get started with microcontroller-based embedded systems and acquainted with embedded RISC-V compiler toolchains. Upon completing this course, you will be familiar with creating embedded systems powered by a RISC-V core and begin your career as an Embedded Systems Engineer.

Created by: The Linux Foundation

Level: Intermediate

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