Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Metasploit for Beginners: Ethical Penetration Testing

Metasploit for Beginners: Ethical Penetration Testing

About this Course

Welcome to the coursera guided project on using Metasploit! This comprehensive training program focuses on the key tools and techniques needed to conduct ethical hacking and penetration testing. With a blend of theory and hands-on practice, the course is structured into three main modules: Metasploit Framework: Dive into the world of exploiting vulnerabilities using Metasploit, the world-renowned penetration testing tool. Learn to identify and leverage weaknesses in system security, and conduct responsible disclosure. Nmap Scanning: Master the art of network discovery with Nmap, a pivotal tool for scanning networks and uncovering open ports. Understand how to create detailed network maps and identify potential entry points for exploitation. Exploiting Vulnerable Machines: Through controlled exercises, learn to assess, penetrate, and secure vulnerable systems. Engage with real-world scenarios, where you will practice identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities safely within a lab environment. This course offers hands-on experience and is designed for both newcomers and seasoned professionals. You\'ll walk away with a solid understanding of these crucial cybersecurity tools, ready to tackle real-world challenges responsibly and effectively. Note: A commitment to ethical hacking is emphasized throughout the course, and participants are expected to adhere to all applicable laws and ethical guidelines.

Created by: Coursera Project Network

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