Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Mathematics and Statistics Fundamentals Proctored Exam

Mathematics and Statistics Fundamentals Proctored Exam

About this Course

This exam assesses all concepts, methods and techniques introduced across the four courses within the LSE MicroBachelors program in Mathematics and Statistics Fundamentals: Mathematics 1: Differential calculus Mathematics 1: Integral calculus, algebra, and applications Statistics 1: Introductory statistics, probability and estimation **** Statistics 1: Statistical methods **** It is two hours in duration and must be sat under online proctored conditions. It is the final step towards completing the LSE MicroBachelors program in Statistics Fundamentals and you must pass with a mark of 70% or higher to gain your certificate.

Created by: The London School of Economics and Political Science

Level: Intermediate

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