Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Marketing your Android apps

Marketing your Android apps

About this Course

Almost anyone who is developing Android Applications thinks about the possibility of selling it for profit. The App developing industry is booming and there is plenty of room for people to get in on the action. However, even though it sounds straight-forward, selling Apps is actually quite difficult. Probably the most obvious way to get started is selling access to it, but it isn’t the only way to do it. In this course you will find several ways that can prove to be extremely profitable. Learn how to promote and monetize your apps. This course presents the best practices of advertising, monetizing and publishing your app. It also covers an introduction to business models that will help you make money from an app using Google AdMob, and Google’s mobile advertising platform specifically designed for mobile apps.

Created by: Universidad Galileo

Level: Intermediate

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