Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Managing Employee Performance

Managing Employee Performance

About this Course

In today\'s dynamic business environment, effective performance management is a crucial skill that sets exceptional leaders apart. This course is designed to equip managers with the principles and techniques required to manage employee performance successfully. Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of performance management, including setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, and conducting performance evaluations. The curriculum encompasses essential topics such as goal setting, performance metrics, and fostering a collaborative work environment that supports employee growth and development. Participants will also learn proven strategies to address performance-related issues and enhance workplace productivity, job satisfaction, and engagement. This course caters to individuals stepping into roles as team leaders, supervisors, or managers, aiming to cultivate effective performance management skills. It is particularly beneficial for those who have not undergone formal management training within their organizations. Additionally, it serves as a valuable refresher for current team leads, supervisors, or managers seeking to enhance and update their management capabilities.

Created by: Starweaver

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