Making Remote Humor Stick

About this Course

Hear that? It's the sound of rubber meeting road. If the first course of this program was about getting your team in the Humor-Mobile, and the second course was about putting fuel in the tank, this course is about putting your foot on the gas. So buckle up and turn off the child-lock. It's time to dive headfirst into strategies for activating and institutionalizing a culture of levity. First, you’ll review behavioral research (the fun kind) illuminating the benefits of humor on teams, and why it’s worth weaving into the fabric of your organization and company culture. Next, you’ll learn about the three drivers of a culture of levity - legends, rituals, and offers - and how each can be used to take the levity, humor, and joy on your remote team to new heights. Finally, you’ll evaluate the legends, rituals, and offers of your organization today, and explore how they can be changed or augmented with more levity. This is Course 3 of 3 in the Remotely Humorous Program taught by Naomi Bagdonas and Connor Diemand-Yauman, leading experts in workforce culture who have taught at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. They’ve teamed up with comedic minds from The Onion, Funny Or Die, and Comedy Central to create a fun, interactive learning experience that will empower you to show up at work more authentically, effectively, and joyfully.

Created by: Naomi Bagdonas and Connor Diemand-Yauman

Level: Introductory

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