Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Leading With Effective Communication (Inclusive Leadership Training)

Leading With Effective Communication (Inclusive Leadership Training)

About this Course

What does it take to inspire others, promote a novel idea, or even have a difficult conversation? How can you position yourself as a leader through inclusive communication? How do you know that the message you are intending to send is what is being received? Join Catalyst experts to explore this topic and the important role communication plays in inclusive leadership. All too often, we struggle to communicate effectively—particularly with others who are different from us in some way. This course will show you how the most effective communication utilizes the inclusive leadership mindset of Empowerment, Accountability, Courage, and Humility and guide you on how to use that mindset yourself. Through research and real-world examples, you will learn strategies to enhance your communication skills and approach. Topics will include understanding dialogue processes, debunking everyday communication myths, testing assumptions, listening, expressing yourself authentically, and communicating across differences. With short quizzes, compelling case studies, and engaging videos, you will develop knowledge in each section and share your experience with other learners. Throughout the course, you will create a plan of action to help apply the strategies learned in this course to your work and other parts of your life.

Created by: Catalyst

Level: Introductory

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