Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Leadership Skills Development for Occupational Therapists

Leadership Skills Development for Occupational Therapists

About this Course

The Leadership Skills Development MOOC is designed to help OTs feel more comfortable with their leadership journey. By going through this course, you will gain insights into your leadership potential and unique perspective of leadership from an OT lens. We will strive to move away from the cookie-cutter view of leadership and challenge ourselves to embrace that everyone has their own unique leadership qualities and abilities. There are four modules in this course. Module 1 helps to orient and provide a foundation pertaining to what is leadership. Module 2 aims to answer the question of, what does leadership look like? Module 3 taps into your own self-awareness and reflection as a leader, looking at the different leadership styles, your core values, and how our profile of being an OT relates to leadership. Lastly, module 4 brings everything together in terms of what leadership means for OTs and how we can apply it. These four modules will be intertwined with various learning activities in order to enhance your learning experience, such as interviews from the field, class discussions, peer feedback, and interactive activities.

Created by: University of Toronto

Level: Intermediate

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