Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Leadership in the family business

Leadership in the family business

About this Course

To ensure that the family business transcends and the company is sustained over time, in this course of entrepreneurship and business administration, you will have the opportunity to understand the complexity of family and business dynamics, reflect on the roles and ways of thinking of the family's leader and make a diagnosis of entrepreneurship. All this in order for you to know the instruments and components that involve leading and orchestrating the family business: the future vision of the business family, the development of the next generations and the formation of an effective and flexible family and business government. All the knowledge acquired in this course of business administration can be applied in the family business. The Center for Entrepreneurial Families and EGADE Business School of Tecnologico de Monterrey is the ideal institution to develop these skills, since Tec de Monterrey is #1 university in Mexico and the 6th best in Latin America according to Times Higher Education (THE) 2016. Professors from the Entrepreneurial Families Center are highly qualified and recognized as part of the worldwide STEP project for family entrepreneurship, moreover, EGADE Business School is number 1 school in Latin America, in its MBA, according to the ranking of America Economia.

Created by: Tecnológico de Monterrey

Level: Intermediate

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