Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Introduction to Software Defined Networking

Introduction to Software Defined Networking

About this Course

During the past decade we have witnessed a phenomenal growth in Industrial IoT applications (IIoT) and autonomous systems. This has resulted in a paradigm shift in the networking domain. As a networking professional, it is essential to understand how traditional networking has evolved into Software Defined Networking. In this course, you will learn about Software Defined Networking for IoT applications. You will explore some core issues relevant to traditional networking, and discover how SDN can address issues such as network management, resource utilisation, and security and privacy. The course has been designed to be hands-on, with a practical approach to help you better understand virtualisation, programmability in SDN, and REST API. You will also explore emerging Intent Based Networking for network automation. This MOOC has been developed in association with the Cisco-Curtin Centre for Networks based at Innovation Central Perth within Curtin’s School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences. In addition to Massive Open Online Courses, the education component of the Centre for Networks (C4N) includes professional-level training courses, and undergraduate and postgraduate units, which all focus on network programmability, automation and analytics. C4N is undertaking important research to support industries looking for a simplified and more automated approach to managing their IT networks. These innovations have the potential to accelerate transformation across sectors such as health, education, defence, mining and government, as they work to converge their IT and operational networks.

Created by: Curtin University

Level: Introductory

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