Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Introduction to Psychological Aspects of Game Design

Introduction to Psychological Aspects of Game Design

About this Course

Are you ready to take the first step from gamer to game designer? Then this course is for you! This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of game development and design theory, and explores how these concepts affect the ways we design and interact with games. What are games? What are their structures and rule systems? What are their mechanics and dynamics? How does behavioral psychology impact game design? This course answers all these questions and many more! This course explores the tenets of game design, core game structure, the components of a game, and the different areas of specialization within game design. We look at theoretical design frameworks as conceptual models for approaching design and the fundamental concepts in game psychology, motivation and game experience. The course describes the models that explain the various player types and play styles (what types of people play games, and what motivates and interests them). Finally, you will learn about core game mechanics and challenge dynamics, and how your designs can be improved by thinking about them from a psychological, player-centric perspective. Throughout this course, we use classic video game examples such as Pac-man, Space Invaders and Solitaire to see what they can teach us about games and game design. Topics covered include: Introduction to game design Game design frameworks Behavioral game psychology and play styles The psychology of game mechanics and dynamics

Created by: LaSalle College

Level: Introductory

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