Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry

About this Course

Looking for a career that will never grow old? Looking for a job you can perform anywhere in the world? Looking for a daily business work environment of natural beauty, fun, entertainment, service, and creativity? Then, look no further than the Hospitality/Tourism Industry. This is a specialized "service industry" and just happens to be the world’s largest. The U.S. Travel Association reports that in 2018, travelers spent nearly $1.1 trillion in the U.S.—generating $171 billion in tax revenues for federal, state and local governments. This is just the United States! Worldwide figures will easily double that and more. This course will significantly expand your knowledge horizons with respect to the Hospitality/Tourism industry and start you along the academic pathway necessary to get your share of this enormous and extremely delicious career pie. Some specific job areas are event planning, food service, hotel/resort operations, human resources, tourism management, tour operations, and travel industry marketing. Enjoy!

Created by: The University of Maryland Eastern Shore,University System of Maryland

Level: Introductory

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