Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Introduction to Biomedical Imaging

Introduction to Biomedical Imaging

About this Course

Imaging technologies form a significant component of the health budgets of all developed economies, and most people need advanced imaging such as MRIs, X-Rays and CT Scans (or CAT Scans) during their life. Many of us are aware of the misinformation sometimes offered in TV dramas, which either exaggerates the benefits or overemphasizes the risks. This medical imaging course provides an introduction to biomedical imaging and modern imaging modalities. The course also covers the basic scientific principals behind each modality, and introduces some of the key applications, from neurological diseases to cancers. This course includes modules specially designed for the general public, whilst also providing some advanced modules which could contribute to professional development in health, engineering and IT industries.

Created by: The University of Queensland

Level: Introductory

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