Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Introduction to Agile: Beyond Methodologies

Introduction to Agile: Beyond Methodologies

About this Course

Methodologies are about driving valuable ideas to market in a more predictable way. Yet from our experience working with organizations across the globe, we’ve seen that most people are merely ‘comfortable’ with methodologies, rather than completely sold on them. Why is that? In this introductory course, we will offer you a different way to approach Agile methodologies – tackling why they’re often misunderstood and how to make them work better for you and your teams. We focus on changes you can make today that will make a real impact. Using work-based activities and templates, you’ll gain practical guidance that can be applied immediately to change how you approach Agile, your work and lead you toward better, more impactful outcomes. This course is right for you if you are: beginning your learning journey in agility and / or product management, interested in product organizations, or working with or striving to lead agile teams.

Created by: Emergn

Level: Introductory

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