Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>How to Write a Novel: Edit & Revise

How to Write a Novel: Edit & Revise

About this Course

Experienced writers understand that novels improve incrementally with each draft. This course teaches the skills of revision and the attention to detail it takes to make a good story great. Do you have a complete rough draft of a novel? Do you know it needs more work, but are unsure what to do next? Bestselling authors and professors from The University of British Columbia's renowned School of Creative Writing will guide you through a rigorous self-editing and revision process, a stage of manuscript development all successful writers undertake. The trend in global publishing is toward outsourcing the editorial process. More and more, publishers are looking for that elusive "finished" draft, placing the burden on writers to take their work to that next level. Learn the necessary skills to polish your novel and better position you in today's highly competitive and fast-moving publishing marketplace. In this course we'll explore the editorial process from macro to micro. From a far-reaching analysis of the three journeys every novel must take (internal, external, aesthetic) to a tight focus on the rigorous choices associated with prose style, learners will hone critical skills and develop a rewriting plan tailored to the needs of their individual projects. Through self-evaluation and discussion with fellow writers, learners will build an autonomous writing practice and discover a community of peers familiar with the challenges and aspirations of novel writing. This course is recommended for professional and aspiring writerswho have completed or almost completed a rough draft of a novel, especially those who have taken How to Write a Novel: Structure & Outline and How to Write a Novel: Writing the Draft.

Created by: University of British Columbia

Level: Intermediate

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