Hedge Funds
About this Course
This course has been created to give students like you an introduction to hedge funds, one of the premier alternative investments available to allocators around the world. This course will give you an insight from the perspective of the professional investor in the space. In addition, you will come to understand how hedge funds function as an industry. Special attention will be given to the infrastructure and mechanics of the hedge fund space. You will learn about fee arrangements, liquidity constraints and the legal structures investors use to access hedge funds. An in-depth analysis of all hedge fund strategies, from equity long short to distressed will be discussed in this course. A case study of an institutional investment in a hedge fund will give you special insight into how sophisticated investors invest-and divest from an investment. We'll wrap up this course with a module on current trends in the industry, from stagnant asset growth to the increasing proliferation of artificial intelligence technology and its impact on the industry and markets as a whole. Overall, this course will demystify hedge funds, making them more transparent to those who have not been previously exposed to the space. This course is part 3 of the New York Institute of Finance’s Portfolio Management Professional Certificate program.Created by: New York Institute of Finance
Level: Advanced
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