Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship in the Family Business

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship in the Family Business

About this Course

Nowadays, family businesses are indispensable in our economy. However, it is very important to identify the tools and strategies of success that allow them to transcend in a competitive environment. For that reason, this entrepreneurship course gives you the opportunity to know and apply best practices, taking into account entrepreneurship and innovation models that will allow you to take advantage of the strengths that posseses the family business, in order to create a suitable business for next generations. In this entrepreneurship course you will have the opportunity to know the instruments and components that involve entrepreneurship; from ideation, market validation and value proposition, to present your sales plan to attract investors (Business Pitch). This online course delivers the knowledge and tools necessary for the success of a venture in the family business. The Center for Entrepreneurial Families and EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey is the ideal institution to develop these skills, since Tecnológico de Monterrey is the number 1 university in Mexico and the 6th best in Latin America according to Times Higher Education (THE) 2016. Professors at Center for Entrepreneurial Families are highly qualified and recognized as part of the worldwide STEP project for family entrepreneurship, and EGADE Business School is the number 1 business school in Latin America in MBA program, according to the ranking of AméricaEconomía.

Created by: Tecnológico de Monterrey

Level: Intermediate

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