Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Foundations of Culture and Communication

Foundations of Culture and Communication

About this Course

This course will introduce you to the key concepts that can help explain the differences and similarities between various cultural contexts. It's overarching objective is to provide you with the tools to examine your own behaviours and those that you observe in society. As a result, you should be able to explore different cultures from their cultural perspectives, thus acknowledging that there are no 'wrong' or 'bad' cultures, only different ways of seeing the world. In order to reach the main objective, in this course you will: critically read the literature and identify the key ideas; show a deep understanding of the intercultural communication research; apply theories and results of the studies to the analysis of various communicative situations, including illustrating them with own examples; explain factors facilitating and hindering intercultural communication; create an intercultural profile of a cultural context, by applying the knowledge acquired in the course; evaluate the intercultural communication awareness of self and others; demonstrate an understanding of teamwork and recognise the main issues that can arise among the intercultural team members.

Created by: The University of Queensland

Level: Introductory

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