Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Drawing Nature, Science and Culture: Natural History Illustration 101

Drawing Nature, Science and Culture: Natural History Illustration 101

About this Course

Whether an aspiring scientific or medical illustrator or someone who enjoys drawing nature's wonders, this first-of-its-kind MOOC course is for you. The field of Natural History Illustration is about observing and illustrating subjects from nature, science and culture, with their linkages to the environment being central. Our natural world is a fascinating place. Being able to observe and replicate it through illustration provides insights into life that can change how we think about ourselves and our surroundings. You will learn essential skills and techniques that form the base for creating accurate and stunning replications of subjects from the natural world. This art and culture course is suitable for people looking to enter the illustration discipline as a serious pursuit or just looking to explore a passion. As world-standard instructors, we will show you practical ways to develop your skills from the outset. Step by step, we will cover the fundamentals of Natural History Illustration, from the first observation of a subject in the field to the final replication in the studio. This online course will teach you enduring skills that can be used in many different ways. Join us to explore, observe and draw the natural world and become part of a scientific tradition steeped in history.

Created by: The University of Newcastle, Australia

Level: Introductory

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