Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) interventions

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) interventions

About this Course

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The “new” yet established hot topic for businesses globally and of all sizes. More and more, businesses are being held accountable for their actions and the pressure is real to deliver on DEI promises. Proactive action needs to be taken to ensure a sustainable competitive advantage and to create an organizational culture of inclusivity, ultimately being able to attract and retain the best talent. In its capacity to foster creativity and innovation, DEI enables organizations to achieve results others rarely can do. The advantages of DEI lie in the actions taken to promote these concepts in the workplace. Workforce diversity enhances business performance. To be effective, diversity management must be aligned with business goals and be strategically implemented. A holistic approach is needed to gain the most value. During this course, the learner will be exposed to the relevant basic concepts of DEI and be equipped to draft a realistic plan for implementation in the workplace. This course is designed for any professional with a keen interest in gaining an introductory understanding of DEI and how to practically implement such a strategy. It looks at how to identify and respond to discrimination in the workplace and offers guidance on creating an inclusive working environment. As the success of a properly designed DEI intervention lies within each person, it is important to grow on a personal level as well. We need to take our own perceptions into consideration and how that may result in barriers to ultimate diversity. This course offers the exposure to relevant professional skills to assist you to develop relevant emotional intelligence skills such as sensitivity, awareness, and collaboration to enable you to overcome barriers and ensure effective personal growth. A practical DEI strategy including workplace demographics, DEI targets, and goals will be developed during the course to enable you to implement and drive a DEI plan in your organization.

Created by: Stellenbosch University

Level: Intermediate

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