Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Designing a Climate-Neutral World: Taking Action

Designing a Climate-Neutral World: Taking Action

About this Course

“Every action matters Every bit of warming matters Every year matters Every choice matters.” This was the brief summary of a 2018 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the scientific advisory board of the United Nations. But who should act? In earlier courses, we already set out what is needed to limit the impact of climate change. In this course, we will explore the role of national governments, the international community, companies, and sub-national governments, like cities, municipalities, provinces, and regions. We start from the idea that climate governance is polycentric. None of these parties can mitigate the dangers of climate change all by themselves. Each of these types of organization has its particular strength. If you work – or plan to work – in or with any such organization, then through this course you will learn how to be successful and effective in playing your part in mitigating climate change. Important elements that will be discussed for the various players in the field are: What roles can the different organizations play? How can emission reduction targets be set so that they are both ambitious and feasible? How can meaningful emission reduction plans be developed that actually result in emission reduction on the ground? Examples will be presented by professionals who have been successful in their own organization. They are willing to share the failures and critical success factors in their strategies.

Created by: Delft University of Technology

Level: Intermediate

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