Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Design of mound breakwaters for feasibility studies. Cubipod® Manual 2016

Design of mound breakwaters for feasibility studies. Cubipod® Manual 2016

About this Course

This course is intended for professionals of coastal and port engineering who work in the preliminary design and feasibility studies of breakwaters. The course is planned for civil engineers and other professionals familiar with common coastal and port engineering concepts and terminology. The goal of this course is to provide the tools to create feasible designs of mound breakwaters protected with Cubipod® armors fulfiling the prescribed economic, functional and safety requirements. Cubipod® is a massive concrete armor unit, the only one which can be safely and easily used in single- and double-layer armoring. This course will be beneficial if you are a civil engineer analyzing variants for breakwaters and feasibility studies. This course is focused on Cubipod® armored breakwaters, considering the logistic constraints and minimizing the economic cost as well as the carbon and energy footprints. During the feasibility studies, different workable preliminary designs are compared; later, several alternatives are analyzed in detail. This course facilitates the preliminary design of single- and double-layer Cubipod® armored breakwaters. This course is organized in seven modules corresponding to the seven chapters of the Cubipod® Manual 2016, which will be used as the basic reference book.

Created by: Universitat Politècnica de València

Level: Advanced

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