Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Defining Virtual Community Projects for Dynamic Change

Defining Virtual Community Projects for Dynamic Change

About this Course

You can’t find a solution until you have a clear idea of what the problem is. Problems come in many different forms, but most community projects are complex and have invisible elements that become apparent as one begins the process of defining the scope of the situation. This course emphasizes the use of tools such as journey mapping, persona’s, testing tools, visualizations, ethnographic interviewing, thematic analysis, prototyping, stakeholder needfinding, and storytelling to understand the problem. The idea generation and testing phases are very important to the buy-in and successful nature of an application once implemented. Upon completion of this class, the learner will be able to walk through the process of problem definition and create a problem brief to share in a virtual network.

Created by: Doane University

Level: Intermediate

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