Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Data Science: Productivity Tools

Data Science: Productivity Tools

About this Course

A typical data analysis project may involve several parts, each including several data files and different scripts with code. Keeping all this organized can be challenging. Part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, this course explains how to use Unix/Linux as a tool for managing files and directories on your computer and how to keep the file system organized. You will be introduced to the version control systems git, a powerful tool for keeping track of changes in your scripts and reports. We also introduce you to GitHub and demonstrate how you can use this service to keep your work in a repository that facilitates collaborations. Finally, you will learn to write reports in R markdown which permits you to incorporate text and code into a document. We'll put it all together using the powerful integrated desktop environment RStudio.

Created by: Harvard University

Level: Introductory

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