Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Cultivating a Caring and Benevolent Environment in Education

Cultivating a Caring and Benevolent Environment in Education

About this Course

The course offers an innovative, ground-breaking approach to cultivating a caring, benevolent environment in your personal and professional life and in educational settings. You’ll acquire simple, practical tools for creating such an environment, based on current, up-to-date research. No prior knowledge is required – just curiosity and the will to be surprised. The course was developed by Prof. Ofra Mayseless from the University of Haifa, Israel, along with many others. We invite you to go on a journey in the realm of caring and benevolence. Enter a magical world of wonder and play, where you will learn mostly through experience. The course includes theoretical models and practical tools for advancing the personal development of teaching staff and students and provides participants with tools for changing the social-emotional climate of educational institutions by relying on "contemplative education". Contemplative education promotes deep listening to the self and to others, connecting with one’s deep meaning of life and developing a sense of understanding and caring towards yourself and others around you. Within the realm of caring, participants will enter eight different gateways. These are gateways through which one can readily summon a deep and meaningful experience of caring and benevolence. * The course provides practical tools that do not necessarily require additional resources. * By relying on extant theory, research and practice the main aim of the course is to promote the possibility of applying "contemplative education" in the educational practice and personal lives of its participants and to create a caring and benevolent culture.

Created by: IsraelX

Level: Intermediate

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