Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes

Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes

About this Course

The question is no longer WHY should we take climate action, but rather HOW we can take action. In this course you will learn how to take joint action to understand and address climate change impacts in your landscape or work. It is widely recognized that there is an interconnection between climate change and biodiversity. With examples from all over the world, you will learn how climate change negatively affects biodiversity and human well-being, but also how biodiversity can play an important role in adaptation and mitigation efforts. With the support of professionals from various fields you will be guided from analysis to identifying innovate climate solutions at landscape level. Join this MOOC if you want to: Understand how climate change is impacting you and your landscape Know how to mobilize collaboration among landscape actors Learn from nature-based climate solutions from around the world Get practical support in taking some first steps in climate action in your landscape Sustainable and Inclusive Landscapes This course is also part of the Sustainable and Inclusive Landscapes Professional Certificate Programme. Following the complete programme lets you harness the power of place and advance your career as a landscape leader. The programme consists of the following courses, which can be taken in any given order: Landscape Leadership: Catalyse sustainable development in landscapes Landscape Finance: Investing in Innovation for Sustainable Landscapes Landscape Governance: Collaborating Across Sectors and Scales Climate Action in Biodiverse Landscapes (this course) Partners This course is part of the Sustainable and Inclusive Landscapes Professional Certificate Programme which can be found on Landscape Academy. This is a collaboration between Wageningen University & Research, UN Environment and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF). The course was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Multiple international partners have contributed to the development of this course. We want to express our gratitude towards all our partners who have contributed to the production of this course: Tropenbos International Tropenbos Ghana Trinomics Oxfam GB

Created by: Wageningen University & Research

Level: Intermediate

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