Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Business Considerations for 5G with Edge, IoT, and AI

Business Considerations for 5G with Edge, IoT, and AI

About this Course

5G is opening up the world in a way that we are only beginning to imagine. 5G isn’t just another generation of wireless technology; it signals a seminal moment in the evolution of technology’s ability to transform industries, the economy and society and will give way to digitizing our world. This course provides an introduction for business, government and technology leaders who, along with startups and their technical partners and ecosystems, have the opportunity to lead the next generation of innovation based on the capabilities of 5G with Edge, IoT & AI. The course will help you answer: What is 5G? What is the fuss about radio frequencies (RF)? How does Edge Compute change the paradigm? How will IoT and AI combine with 5G to bring us a digital transformation we can barely imagine? What will be the role of open source, open standards and open alliances? The course will also offer some strategies for what leaders can do to start preparing for responsibility, trust and the ethical impact of innovation, especially when it encroaches on social and public systems like smart transportation and smart cities. You will walk away with a better understanding of how 5G, Edge, AI and IoT come together empowering you to lead your teams and organizations into the future.

Created by: The Linux Foundation

Level: Introductory

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