Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Building Applications with RISC-V and FreeRTOS

Building Applications with RISC-V and FreeRTOS

About this Course

Real time operating systems (RTOS) play an important role in any embedded system, enabling users to control the time critical functions required to be handled within specific timeframes for the effective use of those systems. FreeRTOS is an open source RTOS that has been used in various embedded systems and has been effectively ported onto various processors. This course is intended for anyone interested in RISC-V and real-time operating systems (RTOS). Learners will receive an introduction to embedded systems, RISC-V and the FreeRTOS real-time operating system. The course also teaches the skills needed to integrate RISC-V processors with FreeRTOS for real-time applications, and trains students on how to use open source processors and RTOS systems for various embedded applications. Upon completion, participants will have the skills to enhance their careers in building embedded systems with RTOS capabilities.

Created by: The Linux Foundation

Level: Intermediate

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