Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Build & Deploy Your Web Dev Portfolio

Build & Deploy Your Web Dev Portfolio

About this Course

As professionals in the fields of development and design, it is imperative for us to have a means of effectively showcasing our expertise to potential employers, and there is no more compelling method than creating a dedicated portfolio webpage, affording us absolute control over the presentation of our skills. In this meticulously crafted course, the esteemed instructor Kevin Powell will expertly guide you through each intricate step of constructing an aesthetically pleasing portfolio website, ensuring that it can be tailored to align seamlessly with your unique personal style. As a culmination of your learning journey, Kevin will demonstrate the process of deploying the website to DigitalOcean, thereby culminating in the creation of a live website upon the course\'s conclusion. The site is built without using any web frameworks, so the only prerequesites for this course are basic HTML and CSS skills.

Created by: Scrimba

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