Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Basics of Cost Accounting: Product Costing

Basics of Cost Accounting: Product Costing

About this Course

The core of the first course is to learn how companies record total costs and calculate unit costs for their individual products or services. For example, how can a car manufacturer figure out the costs of an individual car series? During the first weeks, participants learn what costs are and how to distinguish them from expenses or cash flows. Participants will understand how companies record total costs and distinguish important cost types such as material costs, personnel costs, or depreciation. At the core of their cost-accounting system, companies allocate overhead costs to individual products. We show participants how to allocate the costs incurred to the company\'s products and introduce them to the most important methods and challenges of product costing.

Created by: Technical University of Munich (TUM)

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