Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>Applied Bayesian for Analytics

Applied Bayesian for Analytics

About this Course

Bayesian Statistics is a captivating field and is used most prominently in data sciences. In this course we will learn about the foundation of Bayesian concepts, how it differs from Classical Statistics including among others Parametrizations, Priors, Likelihood, Monte Carlo methods and computing Bayesian models with the exploration of Multilevel modelling. This course is divided into two parts i.e. Theoretical and Empirical part of Bayesian Analytics. First three weeks cover the Theoretical part which includes how to form a prior, how to calculate a posterior and several other aspects. Rest of the weeks will cover the empirical part which explains how to compute Bayesian modelling. Completion of this course will provide you with an understanding of the Bayesian approach, the primary difference between Bayesian and Frequentist approaches and experience in data analyses.

Created by: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Level: Introductory

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