Juniata Classifieds>Juniata Online Courses>AI-Enhanced Presentations Captivating Audiences with TOME

AI-Enhanced Presentations Captivating Audiences with TOME

About this Course

AI analyzes content, suggests visuals, and recommends layouts, elevating your presentations to the next level. It\'s like having a design assistant at your fingertips. This one-hour course is for those interested in quickly creating slide decks with generative AI. Learn to use Tome AI to generate a slide structure overview and to incorporate text from a document into the slides. The hands-on experience includes setting up a Tome AI account, interacting with the platform, and generating a slide deck. This unique project allows you to work directly with advanced AI models, to quickly create a slide deck. To make the most of this course, it is beneficial, but not mandatory, to have a background in marketing and design.

Created by: Coursera Instructor Network

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