VLSI chip design with CPS for Industrial Applications

About this Specialization

This specialization, \"Cyber Physical System for Industrial Applications,\" offers a thorough exploration of designing, implementing, and applying CPS technologies across industries. The courses cover essential topics such as embedded processors, wireless communication, and cybersecurity. In the first course, participants learn to design CPS with ARM Processor using Embedded C, ensuring efficiency, security, and integration with wireless communication protocols. The second course delves into CPS Design with ARM Core using Micro Python, focusing on applications in consumer products, infrastructure management, and urban planning. The third course explores CPS Applications in Mechatronics, Healthcare, EV, and Robotics, providing practical experience in developing robotic arms for industrial automation. Overall, this specialization combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, equipping participants with the skills needed to design, implement, and manage CPS solutions tailored to industrial needs, making them valuable assets in today\'s digital transformation landscape.

Created by: L&T EduTech

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