UX Prototyping

About this Course

Prototyping is part art, part science. In this MOOC you will learn both UI design (user interface design) and the ergonomic criteria (grounded in cognitive psychology), which underlies it. With this knowledge, you will learn to drive the creative team from low-tech paper mock-ups to developing high-fidelity interactive prototypes using the latest industry methods and tools. Prototypes serve the dual purpose of determining what the interfaces will look like and test these developing interfaces at every step! The point is to diminish the risk of developing wrong or faulty interfaces. You will learn to appreciate the dynamic relationship shared by prototyping and testing, which good UI designers fully grasp. Prototyping takes the guessing game out of the creative process, delivering business savvy (on-time, on-budget) user-tested, good experiences. No previous knowledge needed. Join us in the journey to unlock the potential of low to high fidelity prototyping techniques, through the UX Design and Evaluation MicroMasters, or as an individual course.

Created by: HEC Montréal

Level: Intermediate

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