The Science of Beer

About this Course

Have you ever taken a sip of beer and wondered why it tastes a certain way or what effect the alcohol has on your body? In this course, you will learn all about beer, including how it's made, the raw materials used, it's supply chain, how it's marketed and the effect of beer consumption on your body. After this course, tasting a beer will be an entirely new sensation: you will enjoy it even more since you will better understand what's inside your drink. Not to mention, to be a responsible drinker it is important to know what effects beer has on your health. You will gain a natural view on this, allowing you to form your own well-grounded opinion. The MOOC The Science of Beer is developed by students of Wageningen University & Research in honour of the 100 year anniversary of the university. The students have received guidance from professors and experts in the field of food production, health risks, marketing, logistics and sustainable supply chains to ensure a high-quality learning experience for everyone. In this MOOC your teachers will truly be your peers! So, are you interested in the science behind your beer? Register for this course now!

Created by: Wageningen University & Research

Level: Introductory

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