The Entrepreneurial Mindset

About this Course

What does it really mean to think entrepreneurially? The entrepreneurial process isn’t only for start-ups, it’s a comprehensive mindset that will teach you to identify, assess, shape, and act on opportunities in a variety of contexts, settings and organizations. In this entrepreneurship course, you will learn to implement the method of Entrepreneurial Thought & Action® (ET&A™) – which will give you a roadmap to create and add value for stakeholders and society. ET&A™ is a tactical, results-oriented process that may be applied to new venture creation as well as to promote innovation within existing organizations – large, small or family owned – and across profit, not for profit and social ventures. The ability to ‘think like an entrepreneur’ and ‘act like an innovator’ are critical skills for success across industries and are proven tools to help distinguish you in the workplace and to accelerate your career.

Created by: Babson College

Level: Introductory

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