Specialised Cells
About this Course
The human body is composed of trillions of cells working together to perform essential body functions. Cells operate in a regulated internal environment, with different types of cells having unique properties suited to their specific functions. In this course we will dive into the complex world of human physiology, starting at the cellular level. We will explore the core concept of homeostasis, where the body adjusts its internal environment to survive external challenges. We will investigate the key role of the cell membrane in separating body fluids. The variety of cells that exist in our bodies is also examined, with a particular interest on the how cells adhere, adjust and interact with other cells in their local environment. Finally, neurons are examined, with their specialized electrical signalling capabilities. This interactive course incorporates videos, insights from experts in human physiology and assessment that tests your new understanding of cell physiology.Created by: The University of Queensland
Level: Introductory
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