Python Programming: Object-Oriented Design

About this Course

Code and run your first Python program in minutes without installing anything! **** This course is designed for learners with limited coding experience, providing a solid foundation of not just Python, but core Computer Science and software development topics that can be transferred to other languages. The modules in this course cover object-oriented programming, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and other object-related topics. Completion of the prior 2 courses in this program is recommended. To allow for a truly hands-on, self-paced learning experience, this course is video-free. Assignments contain short explanations with images and runnable code examples with suggested edits to explore code examples further, building a deeper understanding by doing. You’ll benefit from instant feedback from a variety of assessment items along the way, gently progressing from quick understanding checks (multiple choice, fill in the blank, and un-scrambling code blocks) to small, approachable coding exercises that take minutes instead of hours.

Created by: Codio

Level: Introductory

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