Protecting Children in Humanitarian Settings

About this Course

Globally, an unprecedented 131 million people are affected by humanitarian crises worldwide. Children, who constitute just under half of the affected population, are particularly vulnerable in these situations, which present grave risks to their physical health and psychological wellbeing.This course examines how children’s social environments at different levels, such as the family, community and societal levels, influence children’s adversity, development and resilience. Course participants will engage in critical thought about current international child protection practice and how to strengthen it. The course will invite participants to identify opportunities for using the learning from science and practice, to enrich current child protection approaches in humanitarian settings. This course is aimed at child protection practitioners who work internationally in humanitarian settings and is also designed for those who want to learn more about, or start working in, the sector. The course is not intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to child protection programming in humanitarian settings. Instead, it focuses on select areas that are ripe for enrichment.

Created by: Columbia University

Level: Intermediate

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