Project Finance: Funding Projects Successfully

About this Course

Are you involved in the development and execution of technical projects and eager to know what it takes to fund a project successfully? Would you like to be more in touch with the latest developments in project finance and able to use these to your advantage? If so, you’re in the right place! This course will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and necessary tools to create the optimum financing structure for your project and enhance its potential to attract funding. The approach taken is both theoretically sound and practically relevant. This is achieved by using case studies to illustrate the topics, as well as assignments that give learners first-hand experience in what it takes to put together a financeable project. At the end of the course, you’ll understand what is required to achieve successful project financing. Those who work on infrastructure and industrial projects, especially, will need to have a good understanding of how project financing works and how project investors and lenders think and assess the risks of a project. Projects are increasingly set up through cooperation between different groups of stakeholders such as Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Project contracts are evolving to facilitate and structure such co-operations, which has in turn led to a range of novel contracts and methods of financing. This course is a good enhancement course for learners who successfully completed the MOOC Project Management from DelftX. This course builds on the basic knowledge gained in that MOOC, but deals with the financing aspects in considerably more detail.

Created by: Delft University of Technology

Level: Advanced

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