NoSQL Databases

About this Course

This NoSQL database course provides you with an introduction, overview, and history of NoSQL databases (non-relational databases). In this course you will explore in detail the four types of NoSQL databases (e.g., Document-oriented, Key-Value Pair, Column-oriented, and Graph). Upon completion of this course, you will begin to build an array of applied non-relational database skills including: Define, compare, and use the four types of NoSQL Databases Demonstrate an understanding of the detailed architecture of NoSQL databases. Evaluate NoSQL database development tools and programming languages. Perform hands-on NoSQL database lab assignments. Store and manage BSON and JSON files in a NoSQL database. Perform CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations. Organize documents in a NoSQL database.

Created by: University of Maryland Baltimore County,University System of Maryland

Level: Intermediate

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