Managing Family Businesses for Sustained Success

About this Course

Family Businesses are a dominant form of business across the globe and play a crucial role in the economic growth of a nation. However, managing a family business comes with its own unique set of challenges owing to the overlap of family emotions and business aspirations. While the strong hold of family members over the business may dampen the spirit of other members in management, the complex structure of the business evokes a negative public perception in general. Hence, managing family businesses requires a careful, considerate, tactful approach to maintain peaceful harmony among all the stakeholders. This course brings together the insights from experienced family business practitioners, professional managers, and academics to address the challenges of family businesses in a pragmatic manner. Join the course if you are a family business owner, soon-to-be owner (successor of a business), professional manager, or an inquisitive learner keenly interested in family businesses.

Created by: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Level: Introductory

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