M&A Professional Certificate Examination

About this Course

Ready to start your career in M&A;? If you’ve gained a clear, comprehensive understanding of M&A; concepts and theories, your next step is to complete the M&A; Certification Exam from the New York Institute of Finance. To earn your Professional Certificate in Mergers & Acquisitions from NYIF, you must pass this exam. The exam is 20 questions, timed at one hour. To qualify for the certificate, learners must receive a grade of at least 70% or better. Prerequisite to sit for this exam is to earn a Verified Certificate in all 5 M&A; courses from NYIF: M&A;: Concepts and Theories M&A; Concepts and Theories: Advanced Topics M&A;: Structuring the Deal M&A;: Free Cash Flow (FCF) Modeling Accounting Principles for M&A;

Created by: New York Institute of Finance

Level: Advanced

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