M&A: Concepts and Theories

About this Course

Offering an intensive introduction to the complex world of M&A;, this course will provide an invaluable foundation in strategy, regulation, finding a deal, corporate valuation, and more. You will learn about buyer strategies, how M&A; can increase business value, and how to start the acquisition process, as well as identify successful acquisitions. Taught by instructors with decades of experience on Wall Street, this M&A; course will equip analysts and associates with the skills they need to rise to employment in the M&A; field. Additionally, directors and managers who have transitioned, or hope to transition, to M&A; from other areas such as equities or fixed income can use this course to eliminate skill gaps. This course is part of the New York Institute of Finance’s popular Mergers & Acquisitions Professional Certificate program.

Created by: New York Institute of Finance

Level: Intermediate

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