Leadership: Creating Public Value

About this Course

Are you ready to take up the challenge of public leadership? The world in which each of us–and all of us–now live is full of pressing problems and future risks. But it is also full of hope, aspiration, and opportunity. In Leadership: Creating Public Value, you will learn how to face and meet today’s challenges and design a public value proposition that is both actionable and value creating. Within the course, you will use an integrated analytic framework to help you understand concrete problems or opportunities for collective action. This framework focuses on the three key elements of producing a publicly valued result: understanding the specific conditions you hope to improve; designing and developing the necessary operational capacities; and securing the public support and financial resources required to launch and sustain your effort at the desired scope and scale. Through case studies, you will see real public leaders seeking to challenge the status quo. You will be asked to reflect on their thought and action using the analytical frameworks and concepts developed and applied throughout the course. By the end of the course, you will understand how to create long-term public value by envisioning and enacting a better, more just, future for us all.

Created by: Harvard University

Level: Introductory

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